
D.I.Y - Studded leather jacket

What do you need? 

 (Leather) Jacket, studs and glue for fabrics. I also used shoulder pads to give more shoulder to this jacket. You can easily fasten them with needle and threat. 

How to do it yourself? 

Step 1: Create a pattern.  

Make sure you have enough studds to create the pattern that you want. Play with different shapes and colours if you like, like I did for my jacket. Take a picture before you glue the studds to the jacket, they will move while you are busy. 

Step 2: Apply the studds to your jacket.

Put some glue on the back of the studd and a little bit on the jacket. Press them together and let it dry. I've used Gutterman fabric glue. Warning: There are studds available which you have to iron to your fabric, but this will not work on (fake) leather and will ruin your jacket.

It's a fun and easy way to pimp up your old stuff and easy to apply. But a large pattern like mine will take some time, so be patient!  Enjoy!

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